Over 30 DO40 members, students and dancers of all ages and ethnicities joined in a
loving tribute to our community, while honoring DO40 members John Mineo,
Christopher Nelson, George Marcy and Gemze de Lappe
A great night of song and dance Monday, October 15th at St. Luke’s Theater in NYC, with not only DO40 members, but also DO40 choreographers, working with their dancers and young students to pay it forward to the next generation. A totally diverse group of creative artists, from all over the U.S., flying in from OK, IL, FL, CA and even Poughkeepsie, NY! Truly a working and loving testament to preserving our History, Legacy and Lives. We are celebrating our 25th Anniversary Season and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and also honored four of our members who recently died, founders John Mineo and first president Christopher Nelson, as well as board member George Marcy and long-time member and Agnes de Mille assistant Gemze de Lappe.
Bosom Buddies DO40 members Penny Worth and Carolyn Kirsch
Host Loni Ackerman and DO40 members Carolyn Kirsch and Penny Worth spoke about John Mineo, choreographer Lawrence Leritz about intersection of his life with Gemze de Lappe, choreographer and DO40 board member on choreographing George Marcy's last performance in 2015, a written note from DO40 advisory board member Chita Rivera and a surprise appearance and heartfelt reminiscences of "Georgie Porgie" by advisory board member Carol Lawrence. Loni Ackerman dedicated her last number, I'm Still Here, to Christopher Nelson, who performed in the original Broadway company of FOLLIES. The cast then came on to sing "We're Still Here" for the curtain call.
Gotta Get a Gimmick with DO40 members Eileen Casey, Roseanna Mineo and Nancy Dalton Flowers
A smorgasbord of talent and styles, from tap, jazz, modern, ballet, comedy and song, it was an evening of something for everyone! Broadway numbers from MAME, I AM WHAT I AM, ANYTHING GOES, GYPSY AND LA CAGE AUX FOLLES performed by Penny Worth, Carolyn Kirsch, Mary Jane Houdina, Nancy Dalton Flowers, Eileen Casey, Roseanna Mineo and Lawrence Merritt – modern dance choreographed by DO40 board member Sasha Spielvogel in TABOO, ballet choreography by DO40 member Lawrence Leritz with ALONE, comedy courtesy of Claire Porter and more! Tons of DO40ers in the audience as well as supporters and potential new members!
DO40 member Gary Flannery and his students in an homage to Bob Fosse
Special thanks to St. Luke's producer Ed Gaynes for the use of the hall - now in our 10th year at this venue! Kudos to our advisory board, dance committee and volunteers, especially, Joy Serio Dunbar, Patrick McCarthy, Katharine Buffaloe-Harris, Nancy Dalton, Eileen Casey, accompanist Steve Webber, SM Robert Levenstein and all the DO40 volunteers front and back of the house. We cannot do this without the support of members, donors and patrons....like you!
DO40 Advisory Board member Carol Lawrence reminiscing about her dear friend and
former DO40 board member George Marcy, with DO40 president John Sefakis
As you know, we donate video and hard copy of all of our events to the Jerome Robbins Collection at the Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts, to preserve our History, Legacy and Lives. Please join us if you can by going to www.dancersover40.org and clicking on the JOIN/DONATE button. As DO40 Advisory Board member Chita Rivera says, "We Simply Cannot Do It Alone!"
DO40 member and choreographer Christopher Anderson and his dancers performing “Heatwave”
In the audience with DO40 president John Sefakis with Lisa Biagini,
DO40 choreographer Sue Samuels and long-time DO40 member John Bate
DO40 members Mary Jane Houdina (performing Anything Goes) with former DO40 board member Karin Baker
Before dress rehearsal with DO40 choreographer Lawrence Leritz
and his dancers Chad Sapp, Abigail Mentzer and Laura Kaufman
Members Only Video: 25th Anniversary “Song & Dance Concert”