The Green Room before the show, L to R top: Terry LaBoit, Alex Rybeck, Dick Miller, Jim Brochu, Mary Callanan, Billy Stritch, Melissa Erico; L to R bottom: DO40 prez John Sefakis, Pamela Myers, Roastee Lee Roy Reams, Judy Kaye and our "pit crew," Scott Raneri and Areis Evans (not pictured, Penny Fuller)
See photo gallery below or the videos on the members only page!
Community, Family, Community, Family. That's what it was. That's what we do. Bringing together the mature artistic community to celebrate our History, Our Legacy and Our Lives. And Monday, April 1st was no joke! Well, it was FILLED with them, that’s for sure with our Roast of DO40 member Lee Roy Reams at 54 Below! As director and host Jim Brochu mentioned, it was more of a stir-fry than a roast, but zingers were flying, nevertheless! Broadway Supastar Lee Roy Reams was escorted by two skimpily clad men to his elevated table stage right to view – and comment on – the spectacle as it unfolded! Saucy songs and patter was delivered by Billy Stritch, Melissa Errico (even though she didn’t mean to!), Penny Fuller, Judy Kaye and Pamela Myers, with additional commentary by Dick Miller and Alex Rybeck.

Our Roastee being delivered to his table by DO40 member Scott Raneri and under 40 DO40 friend Areis Evans.
And, of course, you couldn’t keep a good man down at his table! La Reams is always one for the quick retort, the inside scoop and bawdy story to “enhance” the evening’s hilarity. A spirited auction took place with two ladies bidding for a chance to have drinks with Lee Roy at Sardi’s – and they were both so invested that we gave them BOTH the honors! So, you could say, DO40 was acting as his, ah, “manager” (a nicer word than pimp! LOLOL) to benefit DO40 to the tune of $1600.00! Not a cheap date! DO40 prez John Sefakis introduced a short minute clip that was a touching moment near the end of the show – a wonderful impromptu dance by Lee Roy and his Cincinnati dance buddy Harvey Evans from our 2012 DO40 Legacy Awards that warmed the cockles of everyone’s heart!

The gorgeous Melissa Errico
Speaking with DO40 member Candy Brown after the show (CHICAGO, PIPPIN, LIZA WITH A Z) which she streamed live to Colorado, it was clear how a community – and family – grows on the Great … Way! Without realizing it, by chronicling how she knew Lee Roy, she plotted out how she grew her theatrical family during Applause (where she and Lee roy were never in the same company!). Candy met people like Christopher Chadman, Sammy Williams, Ed Nolfi and Albert Stevenson for the first time, among others. Although shows would open and close, the bond between the performers continued. And that's what DO40 is here for - to continue to reunify relationships and grow new ones from the next generation.

Lee Roy's APPLAUSE cast mate Penny Fuller bringing down the house!
And in the room, a gaggle of DO40 members, including Zeigfeld and Latin Quarter Girl Darlene Larson, Diane Nicole, the “Flying Mariano Sisters,” (as we call them!) Patti and JoAnn, Joe Ahumada, Josh Ellis, Karen Baker and hubby Greg Kayne, Kathy Conry, Linda Rose Iennaco, Virginia Seidel, DO40 board members Loni Ackerman, Patrick McCarthy, Leni Anders, Sharon Wendrow, Sasha Spielvogel, Ken Bloom, Lawrence Leritz, Bobby Heglin-Taylor and the last of the founding members, Eileen Casey, as well as many members who streamed the event (added last week!), Sharla Herbert, Michon Peacock, Cheryl Clark, Christine Colby-Jacques, and a few of our European members and from Austrialia, member Tony Sheldon (we couldn’t see all their names on the monitor!)

The wonderful and color-coordinated Judy Kaye!
There's a quote from an old Angela Lansbury movie, "Something for Everyone," where she laments, "Children have no history..." And it could apply to the next gen on Broadway, who haven't yet understood the bonds that bind Community and Family and how important it is to pay it forward. And that is why we need you, the public, and the Broadway Theater and Dance Communities, to join DO40, whether you are Over or Under 40, whether you are a dancer or not, to help us continue our mission, grow and pay it forward to the next generation.
And a great review from TheaterWOW writer Jim McDermott here on this link: https://theaterwow.substack.com/p/the-filthiest-most-loving-show-on
We will have a large picture gallery posted for everyone and video of the event up on the member-only page of our website soon! It PAYS to be a member of DO40!

Long time pal and Cincinatti buddy Pamela Myers
Enjoy the photo gallery!