Audience in rapt attention
Bic Goss & Paul Berne
Billie accepting Legacy Award
Carol and John Sefakis
Carol breaking up the crowd
Carol, Luigi, Karin & Gregg
Carol reading Valerie Harper note
Carol receiving applause
Carol singing out
Carol still singing out
Carol singing with Marge watching
Carol's closing song
Denise Pence and Harvey Evans
Denise Pence & Virginia Seidell
Dennis Cole smooching Gemze de Lappe
Dennis Cole speaking about Gemze de Lappe
Dybas, Ienecco, Conry, Malinka + 1
Francis Roach, Luigi & James Dybas
Full House at Swing 46
Gemze de Lappe accepting Award
Gene Bayliss, Ron Young & Susan Sigrist
Gene Bayliss speaking about Nicole
Gypsy table with Gene Foote
Harvey Evans speaks about Marge Champion
House left at Swing 46
John giving Marge B. Award
John giving Nicole Award
John Sefakis closing remarks
John Sefakis presenting Marge C. with Award
John Sefakis speaking about Gemze de Lappe
John Sefakis speaking about Nicole
John speaking about Marge B
Jon & Arlene Hutcheson, Terrance Murphy and Lois Silk
Larry Stevens, Luigi, & Karin Baker
Legacy Cake
Legacy Poster Board
Luigi speaking about Billie
Marge B. accepting award
Marge B. and her B-day cake
Marge Beddow
Marge Champion accepting Award
Marge shouting out
Nicole accepting award
Nicole Barth and John Sefakis hugging
Nicole holding Legacy Award
Oleg & Mirelle Bariansky
Pam Saunders & Friend
Pam Saunders and Gene Bayliss
Pam Saunders and Marge Beddow
Pam Saunders and mom Marge B
Pam Saunders, Larry Stevens, Luigi & K Baker
Pam talking about her Mom, Marge B.
Personal Cakes for the Ladies
Ron Young, Dennis Cole and ptnr John
Ricci Adan speaking about Gemze de Lappe
Ron Young, Pam Saunders & Gene Bayliss
Ron Young speaking about Nicole
Ronnie Stratton and Marge's Friends
Rudy Tronto, Francis Roach & Greg Kayne
Rudy Tronto, Francis Roach, Karin Baker & Luigi
Sefakis & Five Ladies
Sefakis & Four Ladies
Sefakis giving Mahoney award
Sefakis speaking
Sondra Lee speaking about Marge Champion
Sondra speaking about Marge C
Susan Sigrist (left), Lee Hooper (right)
Swing 46 Full Shot
The Legacy Awards Ladies and John Sefakis