DO40 RAISES $2400.00 THIS YEAR –
L to R: Joy Serio Dunbar, karin Baker, Sharon Wendrow, Lawrence Leritz,
DO40 Prez John Sefakis,
Carolyn Kirsch, Robert Reader and Lawrence Merritt
Sometimes it did feel like a very, very long O’Neill play, with a cast of 19 characters moving in and out of scenes – some never to be heard from again! And talk about crowd scenes! Mobs descended an hour before the official opening. We had barely cracked a plastic container before people began to beg for Playbills and tchotchkes still packed in our boxes! We had FIVE, yes, count ‘em, FIVE tables to man this year, and only one item at $100.00 (that author Ken Bloom bought!). Broadway World maven and man about town Richie Ridge bought one of our Ballroom posters for $50.00. (Richie will be moderating our Gotta Dance segment at our Diversity panel and performances October 14th at St. Luke’s Theater!) DO40 raised a respectable $2400.00 – and we are talking a LOT of 2 for a dollar Playbills here!!! Love to BC/EFA mover-and-shaker Valerie Lau-Kee Lai for getting all of our goods to Shubert Alley from our midtown location (as none of the DO40 crew are in any condition to lift and move all this stuff!!!)
A gaggle of gypsies participated throughout the 10am – 7pm ordeal. And, shhhh!! Don’t tell anyone! We found a great bathroom nearby!!! We won’t divulge the information here, since they may not want the, ah, publicity! But needless to say, it was a Godsend to have a loo so near to use!
(Left) Lori Tan Chinn, Susan Sigrist, Denise Pence, Paul Berne and Nancy Dalton Flowers
Big thanks to board members James Dybas and Patrick McCarthy, and of course, Ms. Karin Baker, price-maker extraordinaire, Thomas McRoberts, in from Virginia, Carolyn Kirsch and Robert Reader from Connecticut Sharon Wendrow, who schlepped in from Long Island, Ruth Feingold from Queens, Susan Sigrist, Lawrence Leritz, Denise Pence, Paul Berne, Patti Mariano, Joy Serio Dunbar, Lawrence Merritt and Nancy Dalton. Special Guest and long-time DO40 member Lori Tan Chinn added star power to our table! (Watch Lori on Orange is the New Black and look for her at our Diversity panel talking about being featured in DO40 Advisory Board member Jerry Mitchell’s Broadway-bound show, Gotta Dance!)
Sharon Wendrow, Lawrence Merritt, Lawrence Leritz,
Carolyln Kirsch, Robert Reader, Joy Serio Dunbar
We made some new friends, especially with the American in Paris table across the way from us! Some of the cast bought our Balanchine panel posters (of Patricia Wilde and Carol Sumner) and ballet shoes in our bin, called DONNA MCKECHNIE (did not wear these) SHOES!
The biggest hit was our container labeled SUTTON FOSTER (did not wear these) CLOTHES! Followed by the McKechnie bin and the ANGELA LANSBURY (did not use these) POCKETBOOKS! AUDRA MCDONALD (did not wear these) SCARVES! If we only could have asked for a dollar for each time someone took a picture of the boxes, we would have reached $5,000.00!
Our always popular STAR-POWERED clothing bins!!! (Photo Right)
And when asked where the clothing really came from, of course we told the truth: donated by the relatives of Nicole Barth and Louise Quick…..
And of course, a big thank you to all of you who donated the goods we sold (and a lot that we still have!). Some of you delivered goods to our midtown location and didn’t write down who you were! Two events, down, and two more to go to finish out the Fall portion of our season! Our Diversity panel is less than two weeks away! Make sure you get your tickets now!!!
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(Left Photo)Thomas McRoberts and Susan Sigrist
(Right Photo) Joy Serio Dunbar and Thomas Roberts hawking our Joe Layton Posters of Bette Midler and Diana Ross!
Karin Baker and James Dybas